Openet’s Digital Business Platform (DBP) is a best in class suite for digital OSS/BSS. It is powered by Openet solutions and is fully pre-integrated to our partners’ systems. Designed for greenfield sites, DBP delivers excellent customer experience and service reliability, while reducing time to market and costs. Service Providers can use DBP to roll out new ventures, such as Digital Second Brands, MVNOs and IOT.


Best of class BSS requires open and agile systems. DBP is powered by Openet’s cloud-native and agile policy, charging and data management systems. DBP is proven to drive results and open new markets for Service Providers. With 18 weeks of implementation timescale, DBP is setting the standard for how best in class BSS is delivered and managed.

Modular Architecture

Solution is designed for growth. Start with MVP approach and increase by adding new modules when needed.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Use predefined customer journeys to get value on day 1 and get the fastest time to market.

Reduced Delivery Timelines

Openet works with partners to pre-integrate our solutions. Faster implementation driving faster time to revenue.

Powered by Openet

Openet handles the full end-to-end journey so every modules understands its role.


DBP covers all the main functional areas of Digital BSS.  Using Openet’s Digital API Gateway partner solutions can be quickly added to the core Openet products (charging, policy, data) to provide an end to end Digital BSS for greenfield sites.


Launching a full digital mobile service in 18 weeks

Telkomsel used Openet's Digital Business Platform allowing them to provide an end to end Digital BSS suite launching their digital mobile service , by.U.

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Enabling digital first MVNO's with an end to end MVNE platform

VADSA is a MVNE in Mexico and Openet’s Digital Business Platform allows Vadsa to provide a one stop shop for MVNO's.

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Supporting the vision to become the largest MVNO in South East Asia

redOne, is a leading MVNO in Malaysia. The company wants to build on this success and be the largest MVNO in South East Asia.

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101 Use Cases - 5G and 4G use cases

5G and 4G use cases that use digital BSS to grow revenues, open new markets and increase customer loyalty